Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Gluten Free Diet Desserts

Gluten Free Desserts

To learn more about Gluten Free Desserts and how I can add them to my new way of eating I had to do some major researching. Recently I just started my 31 day vegan program and so I did the research so I could fully understand what I was getting into. I am doing this for two reasons: 1, because I would like to adopt a healthier eating lifestyle, and 2, My mother is a diabetic and she refuses to do what her doctor tells her to do. I figure if she she sees I can change my eating habit then surely she can change hers. Ive been visiting different websites just trying find vegan-ish kinds of recipes.

What I found was some very interesting recipes. I was even more surprise when I saw how many of the recipes were gluten free. Now I don't know too much about gluten free foods sooooooooo I went back and did more research. Gluten, found in most desserts, are glue like protein properties found in  different grains such as wheat and barley. When these properties are mixed with water, such as flour and water, it's those properties that cause the stickiness in the dough, which in turns allows your breads, cakes, pretzels...etc to rise. I also found out through my research that some people have a bad reaction to gluten, but most don't know why. It is because most likely they have Celiac Disease which is nothing more than their system being very sensitive when it comes to gluten products.

In celiac disease (the most severe form of gluten sensitivity), the immune system attacks the gluten proteins, but it also attacks an enzyme in the cells of the digestive tract called tissue transglutaminase. About 1% of the population have Celiac disease and of that 1% about 80% don't evn know they have it. Gluten senstitivity is way more common than people think and can have very serious consequences.

I was skeptical at first about adding gluten free foods to my diet because I was told that it has no real health benefit and until recently I thought if there is no gluten, then there can't be any good gluten free desserts. I love my desserts!!! So I did more research and found lots of great dessert ideas and a few Gluten Free Desserts cookbooks that I plan on adding to my collection. Ive decided I'm gonna do a different gluten free dessert each week and then post the different reactions of the people I let sample the desserts.
Well, that's it for now. Im going to continue my research and post my results daily so feel free to leave a comment, recipe....etc. thank you and hope to hear from you soon.


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